Terms & Conditions

This section contains your business terms and conditions. Following terms and conditions apply only between the accommodation provider and the guest, not to OTAs or Previo.
Guest has to confirm his agreement with your terms and contions in order to finish his booking. Terms and condition can be also displayed in reservation voucher.

You can set parametric cancellation conditions in the left part of this section. You can define the cancellation fee and time condition. New parametric condition can be added using button with green plus icon (1).

You can of course use more parametric conditions. You may also limit their use by setting them only for certain season. If more than one conditions should be applied (for same date range) Previo will use the most strict one.

When you have several general terms (without any validity date) and some set for particular season, terms can be combined together. Lets see how it works with following conditions:

  • 10 days before arrival 20 %
  • 5 days before arrival 50%
  • 1 day before arrival 100%
  • 5 days before arrival 100% (valid only during period 1.1. – 31.3.)

So for reservations for example during february (when there is this special cancellation condition) will be cancellation terms like this:

  • 10 days before arrival 20 %
  • 5 days before arrival 100%

1.st condition is generally valid. Second condition comes from comparing of two conditions (50% and 100% with 5 days) when the more strict one is used which is 100%. Therefore last condition 100% one day before arrival makes no sense (because 100% is already required 5 days before arrival.

Second part on the right allows you to define your terms and condition in more detailed way (2). You can choose from predefined terms or create your own ones. It is vital to translate your terms and condition to other languages (especially english version) (3) if you want your foreign guest to have translated version of the terms in their accommodation vouchers etc.

Text can include link for full list of terms and conditions which can be available on your websites.